Not every patient requires testing to determine whether or not they have Influenza. It can be diagnosed by clinical presentation of symptoms. However, other viral illnesses can cause similar symptoms, so there are numerous tests available.
Testing is done primarily for patients who present certain risk factors.
Rapid influenza tests are done in medical offices, hospitals, and state health institutions. Testing detects the presence of viral antigens via nasal or throat swabs. There can be false negative test results. Appropriate treatment will be determined by your healthcare provider.
Antiviral drugs are used to treat Influenza. It cannot be treated with antibiotics. Antivirals decrease your symptoms and can shorten the duration of the illness. They can also reduce associated complications. Antivirals must be started as soon as possible in order to yield the most effective results.
Different antiviral medications include oseltamivir (Tamiflu), zanamivir (Relenza), peramivit (Rapivab), baloxivir (Xofluza).
Other supportive management for Influenza include rest, oral fluids for hydration, and Tylenol and/or NSAIDs (as directed on the packaging) for muscle aches and fever.
Call your physician immediately for evaluation and management if you have Influenza symptoms to reduce your risk of complications secondary to illness. Premier Health Associates is open 7 days a week.